Aamir Khan and Kapil Sharma spent a wonderful evening together at the former’s residence on May 31. Taking it to his Instagram, Kapil shared two pictures featuring him, wife Ginni Chatrath and Aamir. The pictures that he posted were all smiles. Kapil wrote in the caption: “Thank you for the wonderful evening, beautiful hospitality, love, laughter, music, what a beautiful n memorable get together it was, thank you #Aamirkhan bhai you’re our pride #aamirkhan.” Recently, the PK actor attended the Carry on Jatta 3 trailer launch event, where he praised the actor’s talent and his most-watched reality show. He further teased the Kis Kis Ko Pyaar Karun actor for not inviting him to his famous show, The Kapil Sharma Show. “Aur aapne kabhi mujhe show pe kyun nahi bulaya yaar… Before he asks, I thought I’d say it first”, said Aamir. On the work front, Aamir Khan is currently on his break from acting. He will be most probably producing a film named Champions. Meanwhile, Kapil Sharma’s reality show is being wrapped as the team has an international tour coming their way. The entire TKSS team will be travelling to the United States. They will be visiting six cities in the country, reports Pinkvilla.