“Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha,” a popular drama serial presented by Big Bang Production, has been at the center of controversy due to its toxic storyline and negative portrayal of relationships. The drama revolves around a triangular love story of Areeb, Maheer and Saad, played by Hania Aamir, Wahaj Ali and Zaviyar Nauman respectively. Sidra Seher Imran has written the story, while Badar Mahmood has directed the drama. Initially, the drama managed to gain a good viewership and TRPs due to the one-sided love story of Saad, who loved his cousin Maheer unconditionally. However, after Maheer and Saad’s Nikah, things took a turn for the worse when Maheer and Areeb got in touch, causing fans to lose interest in the drama. Many fans have criticized the drama’s storyline, saying that it is purely toxic and negative. The constant crying of Maheer for her infatuation has also been a major turn off for many viewers. Fans have agreed that the drama is extremely depressing and can easily lead a normal person to become a depression patient after watching it. Fans have expressed their disappointment in the writer and the actors for choosing such a bad script. They feel that the drama lacks any room for improvement and has no positive elements. Some fans have even gone as far as to say that the drama is a super flop and only gained an audience due to the involvement of Kaifi Khalil. Despite the criticism, some fans are still holding on to the drama, mainly due to their love for Wahaj Ali’s character, Murtasim. Others have trolled Saad’s character, calling him a foolish guy. However, the overwhelming sentiment is that fans are quitting the drama due to its negative portrayal of relationships and lack of a positive message.