Pakistani actors Aiman and Muneeb are parents to three-year-old Amal Muneeb, recently her clip went viral on social sites, where the little kid could be seen wishing her mother Aiman, a happy birthday in a very adorable style. Aiman Khan can be seen holding balloons, and flowers in her hands, while Amal stands next to her mother dancing with joy, smiling, and singing her a birthday song. Though Aiman celebrates her birthday in November, but the video of her daughter went viral online quite recently, Aiman seems to enjoy every bit of it, she sings along with Amal and at moments also leads the words she wants to say. Aiman Khan and Muneeb Butt got married back in 2018, with ectreme extravagance and glamour. They had weeks long wedding festivities. Khan started her acting career in 2013 with the drama serial “Mann ke Moti” in 2013. She also appeared in many hit drama serials such as “Digest Writer” in 2014, “Sehra Main Safar” in 2015, “Mann Mayal” in 2016, “Ghar Titli ka Par” in 2017 and “Ishq Tamasha” in 2018.