After more than 5 years, Shahrukh Khan made a cinematic comeback with the release of Pathaan. Deepika Padukone is the actor’s leading lady, and Besharam Rang was the first song to be released when the movie was about to hit theatres. The song’s audacity caused heads to turn in India, and Pakistanians adored its infectious rhythms. Since its premiere, the song has received over 250 million views on YouTube, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Pakistani singer and actress Komal Rizvi has contributed her fair share of quality music to the business. In addition to being a businesswoman, Komal is also brash and extroverted. She danced to the music and was bitten by the Besharam Rang insect. Alongside a friend of hers, Komal performed a dance to Deepika Padukone’s Besharam Rang from the movie Pathaan. She appears to have a good sense of rhythm.