Sir: Reference to the editorial published in Daily Times on December 26, 2014 titled, “Nuclear power”, notwithstanding your perception about governance and management in the country, the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) has always acted responsibly to operate its nuclear power plants. It is evident from the fact that Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP) has been operating safely for more than 40 years as well as two other nuclear power plants C-1 (14 years) and C-2 (three years) at Chashma. The C-1 and C-2 nuclear power plants are operating safely at a very high capacity and are generating electricity at a very economical rate of around Rs seven per unit. C-2 was completed before its due date, and another two plants at the same site are also ahead of schedule. No safety alarms have ever been raised except those during emergency drills. If performance is to be measured by deeds, that is enough of an evidence. The two plants to be constructed near KANUPP are of advanced design and have many safety features added to them, including double containment. Also, there is no sound reason to shudder about nuclear power as more than four hundred nuclear power plants are operating across the globe while 72 are under construction. The total fatalities or injuries due to radiation in all three major nuclear accidents remain less than 32 and international studies show that even the long-term effect may not increase this number. In summary, while PAEC is making its best efforts to ensure the safety of its plants, we also take your concerns seriously. Please rest assured that we will make all efforts to build these plants to the best safety standards. We just hope that you also appreciate the things which are done right to serve the people of this country.
Director SI&PR, PAEC