Bollywood actress Nora Fatehi has recently slammed by netizens after she alleged that Brad Pitt slid into her DMs on Instagram. According to India Today, the Satyamev Jayate star took Hollywood actor Brad’s name in an interview with Grazia India. In a video shared by Reddit, Nora said, “The most famous person who slid into my DMs, wait for it, you are not ready for this… Brad Pitt.” Nora’s answer drew ire of her fans and followers on social media and she even faced online backlash. One user wrote under the video, “Brad is not on Instagram Lol.” Another one added, “I am embarrassed for her. I don’t get how he slid into her DMs, when he doesn’t use Instagram. Are we supposed to believe it.” Nonetheless, Nora’s representative clarified to Indian Express that the actress’ comment was made in a “sarcasm”. Meanwhile, on the work front, Nora will be next seen in upcoming movie Thank God in a special dance track, Manike. In a video shared by Reddit, Nora said, “The most famous person who slid into my DMs, wait for it, you are not ready for this… Brad Pitt.” Nora’s answer drew ire of her fans and followers on social media and she even faced online backlash. One user wrote under the video, “Brad is not on Instagram Lol.” Another one added, “I am embarrassed for her. I don’t get how he slid into her DMs, when he doesn’t use Instagram. Are we supposed to believe it.” When Nora Fatehi was asked about the most famous person who slid into her DMs, Nora had told Grazia India, “You are not ready (for this) – Brad Pitt.”#norafatehi #bradpitt #angelinajolie #jenniferaniston #mamaraazzi — Mamaraazzi (@mamaraazzi) October 13, 2022