Since when did you enslave the people? on June 13, 2021Islam on its very advent denounced and fought against human bondage in all its forms and manifestations. It took practical steps and measures to minimize and abolish this scourge from the face of the earth. It taught humanity the lesson of freedom. Let us recall the historic statement of Hazrat Umar, the second Caliph after […]
Revolutionary political thought of Islam on June 6, 2021At the advent of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula, the political system that prevailed in Arabia was semi-tribal and semi-monarchical, whereas in the neighbouring areas, it was based on hereditary and despotic monarchies. In that setting common’ people had no civil or political rights in the affairs of the state. The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) laid […]
From Tribalism to Ummah on May 30, 2021Ah, Love! could thou and I with Fate conspire! To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire! Would not we shatter it to bits-and then! Re-mould it nearer to the Heart’s Desire! Omar Khayyam Muslims responded to every challenge in the past in light of the eternal principles of change and struggle. That is […]
Ijtehaad in Islam on May 19, 2021 Both change and stability are essential for life. Change is good only when it is beneficial to humanity and only those nations, which are equipped with knowledge and possess the desire to serve humankind, survive. As human beings, we must consider whether we are keeping up with the change of time and space. Do […]