Kashmir is a tinderbox ready to go off, say Speakers on September 14, 2020The future of Kashmir cannot be determined by India unilaterally, stated international lawmakers from EU and UK, and affirmed the right of the Kashmiri people as principal stakeholders of the conflict. With UNGA’s 75th session scheduled in days, lawmakers, thought leaders, diplomats and journalists from the EU, UK, India, Pakistan, and IIOJKashmir and Azad Kashmir […]
Mystical Sindh and Sindhi Taliban on October 14, 2014Was it so unacceptable and shocking to read that the “Sindhi Taliban” might have had a hand in the recent attack on the naval dockyard in Karachi? Most Sindhi writers, intellectuals and common people have scowled over this and strongly ruled out any possibility of the involvement of a Sindh chapter of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan […]
Waterwheels for Sindh on January 18, 2014Sir: This refers to a recent report on social media saying: “When Cynthia Koenig, a young social entrepreneur from New York, learned that millions of girls and women around the world spend hours each day collecting water from distant places, she created an innovative way to help people in poor communities transport water. It’s called […]
The Karachi card on January 18, 2014We have been reading demands for a ‘Mohajir province’ on the walls of Karachi for a while but it was unknown who actually is involved in such wall chalking. Interestingly, the MQM has always denied its involvement but, for as long as one can recall, only one person is on record as demanding the same […]
Social media: a new paradigm in Pakistani politics on June 15, 2012Gone are the days when we used to wait for a morning paper to know about national and international affairs; because of social media, we get the information as it happens. Today, in this advanced world of information technology, we are interconnected with the world around. Text messages, e-mails, facebook, twitter, blog spheres and other […]