The successful implementation of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) International Agreement and its major aim to benefit the unemployed and marginalised youth; would depend largely on the type of language policy that it adopts. This would determine whether it is an ‘elitist’ policy that is exclusive, and only caters to members of ‘major’ language […]
Sequestration threat and Obamas second term
The latest flash point between the White House and Congress — sequestration — looks set to trigger on March 1 (Friday). There seems little possibility before then of an agreement to resolve the fiscal stalemate, meaning billions of dollars in automatic cuts in federal government spending will begin. The impact will grow with time, unless […]
Contemporary issues and challenges in education II
The role of higher education, especially research universities is important in terms of taking a lead to offer evidence based intervention through cross cutting research and innovation. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has been successful in creating awareness about the role of higher education in the overall development of the country. However, the universities need […]
Contemporary issues and challenges in education — I
The role of education is well defined. Education is seen as leading to knowledge production, hence the terms ‘knowledge economy,’ ‘innovation strategy,’ ‘workforce development,’ where an educated population is considered to contribute towards social integration, democracy, and economic development. In this scenario teaching and research of various disciplines, as well as innovations, depends on varied […]
Language policy in higher education III
Pakistan’s current language situation and the key issues identified in the language policy for higher education have been discussed earlier in part I and II of this article. It is recommended that the state’s ‘elitist’ policy be revisited by language planners so as to enable Pakistan to adopt a cultivation policy that is based on […]
Language policy in higher education II
The results of the three major nationwide research studies conducted by the author during the last 10 years (2005-2015), funded by Aga Khan University and the Higher Education Commission (HEC) as well as Punjab government and Beaconhouse National University (BNU) on language planning and higher education, english and employment, and successful women educators of Punjab […]
Language policy in higher education I
Language planning and policy are inextricably linked to access to higher education and graduate employment, and viewed as key global issues in international development. In Pakistan, the language policy for official and educational purposes is seen by sociolinguists as more critical for its socio-economic development, as currently it has a large young population (60 percent) […]
Women in higher education
Women face numerous problems in higher education, especially access and retention. The significant gap between university women graduates and employment is also a matter of concern. As such, there is an urgent need for the government and Higher Education Commission (HEC) to formulate policies and strictly monitor their implementation to make Vision 2020 embrace the […]
Vision, courage and integrity
I was keen to find out more about Dr Khalid Aftab, vice chancellor Government College University, Lahore, who was successful during his tenure that lasted for more than a decade in not only arresting the rapid decline the college had suffered in its reputation and standards in the last few decades due to politics and […]