Melting the snowball on April 3, 2021Chanakya Kautilya’s ideas and his understanding of corruption are very simple. In Arthsashtra, the metaphors he uses fit our society that “It is impossible not to taste the honey or the poison that reaches the tip of the tongue. Likewise, it is impossible for a government servant not to consume a bit of the king’s […]
The campaign in the shadows on February 4, 2021The world has changed significantly particularly in the last five decades, and it is continuously changing with each passing day. While it has changed many concepts and ideas, it has also transformed the dynamics of conflict between conflicting states. In addition to intensifying interstate rivalry in multiple dimensions, globalization has now restricted space of acceptance […]
A whole of nation approach on January 12, 2021National Security, as it is known, involves all elements of national power. It can never be guaranteed by a single factor no matter how dominating that might be. Military, economic, political, diplomatic, all at the same time have to get mobilized to resolve a multitude of multi-dimensional challenges faced by a nation through a comprehensive […]
Our game of thrones on December 1, 2020“Politics is not a game but a serious business,” said Winston Churchill. However, in Pakistan, we routinely understand and usually practice politics as a game, or should I say, a “game of thrones”. Just like the American fictional drama, we also have few seemingly noble families wage war against each other to gain control over […]
The four Ps on October 27, 2020The first two decades of the 21st century saw the ravaged, threatened, and stretched fixture of the nation-statestested for the mettle they were made of. The moderates, liberals, and progressives had to rethink the ideals and factors which, they thought, keep the people united as a nation. Pakistan was also amongst those states which faced […]
Denying space and relevance on September 28, 2020Since the creation of Pakistan, severaldomestic disordersparticularly in the domain of internal security emerged from ethnic movements. So, if this happens again in the future, it will never be for the first time for the countrythat a peripheral nationalist movementhas erupted on the social and political horizon. However, such an event will advance and group […]
The reopening dilemma on September 8, 2020Before the Covid-19 pandemic, schools and kinder cares were mushrooming throughout the lengths and breadths of our cities determinedly working like factories where children are put on a production line and rolled out at the other end in groups and batches. However, with the corona virus affecting all other sectors in the country, these schools […]
Shifting Priorities on August 25, 2020From a layperson on a tea stall in a village to an astute diplomat in Islamabad, everyone knows and understands a basic principle, ‘if you offer your back – everyone will ride’. For Pakistan, this would not be the only time when someone wants us back for a free joy ride. While oil-rich countries in […]
Lives on thin blue line on August 11, 2020Each year 4th of August is commemorated as Police Shuhada day to honour the cops who fell in the line of their duty. Police in our country is not only responsible for maintaining routine law and order but also shoulders the additional heavy responsibility of acting as the first line response force in fighting terrorism […]
Mitigating depravity on July 28, 2020Recently a scandal about harassment of students by teachers in a private school surfaced in Punjab. Amid lot of statements and evidences, provincial government also shunted in promising a fair investigation and punishment to all accused teachers. This case of harassment by the depraved is not a unique or one of fewer cases of perversion […]