‘A disaster in the making’: Pakistan’spopulation surges to 207.7 m on November 11, 2018RAWALPINDI, Pakistan — For years, Pakistan’s soaring population growth has been evident in increasingly crowded schools, clinics and poor communities across this vast, Muslim-majority nation. But until two weeks ago, no one knew just how serious the problem was. Now they do. Preliminary results from a new national census — the first conducted since 1998 […]
A Partisan War Awaits Trump. That Just Might Suit Him on November 11, 2018WASHINGTON — President Trump will wake up on Wednesday morning to a radically new political environment as he confronts the prospect of a two-year partisan war with a Democratic-run House armed with subpoena power and empowered to block his legislative agenda. Combative by nature, happier in a fight, the president may now have to choose […]