The Longest Ride is filled with wisdom, nurturing quotes and inspiring life lessons on November 9, 2019Deeply moving, beautifully written, unexpectedly heartbreaking, inspiring and colourfully woven, The Longest Ride collects and suppresses itself as an epiphany which makes the reader realise the essence of patience that life and its cruelties demand. Besides Sparks’ all global phenomenon, his intention to provoke the -quintessence of fruitful sacrifices in life- in this novel seems […]
The Importance of Being Ernest offers a glimpse into the wonderland of Victorian era on May 25, 2019The romance between wit and eccentric burlesque in The Importance of Being Earnest seems to contribute as the major reason for prominence and glory of poet and playwright Oscar Wilde. Deeply moving, slightly confusing and charmingly written, Earnest deserves attentions to be the global phenomenon. Generalisation through the title results into the serious glimpse of […]