Badin can’t do without quality education anymore on July 23, 2018District Badin will be a key battleground during the upcoming elections. It has close proximity to the Arabian Sea’s coastline. It lies east of the Indus River, and witnessed heavy devastation in terms of livestock, crops, and shelter, during the 2010 flashfloods. Despite the odds it faces, the area is suitable for paddy crops and […]
Education once again takes a backseat in Badin’s election on July 19, 2018`District Badin having proximity to coastline of the Arabian Sea lies east of the Indus River and has witnessed heavy devastation in terms of livestock, crops and shelter during the flash floods of 2011. The district apart from its suitability to paddy crops is also rich in natural resources like coal reserves and oil produce. […]
An unheard cry of 50 years on July 6, 2018It is morning children are herding sheep towards nearby fields for grazing, people are going to the city on daily wages and a few are sitting in Otaq a makeshift guest house for men only and we have just arrived in the village Gul Mallah located at union council Qadi Qazia, taluka and district Badin […]