Child Protection Laws and Implementation in KP on February 23, 2020Khyber Pakh-toonkhwa Assembly adopted the first-ever exclusive Child Protection Act of the country in 2010. The main objective behind passing the said act is to establish a strong child protection system of prevention and response across the province. Soon after the commencement of this Act, the Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa Government established an autonomous body called the […]
Priorities are still where they were yesterday! on February 9, 2020We were hoping that the system would recover; the institutions would be strong; there would be accountability; corruption would end; prosperity would come; justice would get knocked and unemployment would end, which would result in education for all. Then, children would not work or become beggars or get involved in conflicts or be in contact […]
Our children: voiceless and powerless on January 28, 2020According to a report published in 2019 by “Sahil” organization working on child rights, from January to June 2019 there were 1304 casesof child rape reported, out of which 614 children were raped by relatives. According to the report, in 203 incidents, the child was abused in his own home, while in 300 incidents, the […]
Child courts: a social and legal requirement on January 21, 2020The establishment of a children court in Chicago, USA, came into existence in 1899. It is said to be the first ever child court in the world. Its purpose was to provide quick and affordable justice to children in conflict with law and to ensure that their other rights were not violated after coming in […]
Child labour: a social evil on January 16, 2020Experts say that the ratio of child labour is relatively high in countries where human and natural disasters have wreaked havoc at some point. Population growth, unemployment and lack of education facilities are also some of the factors behind increase in child labour. No official statistics of child labour since 1996 are available in Pakistan. […]