Environment journalism: a lesser child on August 21, 2019The environment is a crucial and decisive factor wielding influence on sustainable growth and development prospects. Important environmental issues like deforestation, loss of fertile soil, salinity, water and air pollution, solid waste disposal, etc., are the direct result of human-driven activities and an impediment to the development. The environment and development are joined at the […]
Economy and policing on March 14, 2019Rule of law and a just society provides a platform to prosper and grow economically. Effective policing and rule of law are imperative to maintain peace in a society, and to provide favourable setting for business and economic activity. Punjab is largest province, almost 61 % of the federation with population of 110 million and […]
Policing the elections: challenges and opportunities in a developing democracy on July 4, 2018On July 25, 2018, Pakistan will have its 13th general elections in history. Even though elections are one of the most desirable avenues through which nations express their desire for democracy, it comes with various challenges, especially in developing democracies like ours. Election contests often cause bloodshed and severe challenges for law enforcement agencies, as […]