An Evolving or Regressing World on January 29, 2025The acronym “VUCA” was coined at the US Army War College and later published in 1991 by Herbert Barber. The acronym described the world as being characterized by dynamic and chaotic developments and an absence of a clear and stable power structure being Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. Political scientists and military practitioners still use […]
Hindutva’s Encroachment On Indian Politics on December 12, 2023The preamble to Constitution of India starts with “We the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a ‘sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic, republic’ and to secure to all its citizen”. Words like ‘Shining India’, ‘the largest democracy’ and ‘unity in diversity’ create image of an India with heterogeneous demography, social equality and […]
Pakistan Navy’s fire power display — stability through deterrence on November 8, 2020Allah orders in the Quran “And prepare for them whatever power and whatever garrisoned horses you can, to (spread) awe thereby into (the hearts) of the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others, apart from them (i.e., besides them) that you do not know; Allah knows them.” (Surah Al Anfal Verse 60). These verses […]
PAKISTAN NAVY’S FIRE POWER DISPLAY – STABILITY THROUGH DETERRENCE on November 7, 2020Allah orders in the Quran “And prepare for them whatever power and whatever garrisoned horses you can, to (spread) awe thereby into (the hearts) of the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others, apart from them (i.e., besides them) that you do not know; Allah knows them.” (Surah Al Anfal Verse 60). These verses […]