The growing schism in Pak-US relations on September 21, 2018The words “two steps forward and four steps backward” accurately portray current dynamics in Pak-US relations. Since January 1, 2018 when US President Donald Trump in his tweet accused Pakistan of letting down his country in the war on terror till the issuance of joint statement on September 6 after talks between the US Secretary […]
The honeymoon period is over on September 14, 2018Pakistan is passing through a critical phase because its economy is in very bad shape and its politics have been hijacked by inept, corrupt and intolerant bigots. When the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government came to power following the July 25 elections, its Chairman and now Prime Minister (PM) promised the people of Pakistan that he […]
Paradigm shift in civil-military relations on September 7, 2018Can just one meeting cause a paradigm shift in civil-military relations in Pakistan? Will the military be subservient to the civilian government? Will it cease its age-old interventionism? These are questions which have been raised since the Prime Minister (PM), his Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Defence, Finance, Interior and Information visited the General Headquarters (GHQ) […]
What we need is good governance on August 17, 2018Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan’s concept of a welfare state on the model of Medina – which existed in the formative phase of Islam – is centred around good governance. The erosion of governance that has taken place in Pakistan over the past four decades has led to administrative, financial, judicial and educational decline […]