Independence and unchecked population on August 27, 2019Can we realise the true meaning of independence with an unchecked population? The answer is a simple no. Population growth and individual liberty have deep links. The more a country is populated, the lesser its citizenry free, the higher their vulnerability and higher are instances of bonded labour. In today’s world, quality of life matters […]
Nexus between population growth and food insecurity-Perspective from Balochistan on July 20, 2019Food insecurity, according to the third quarterly report on state of economy released by State Bank of Pakistan on 14th, July, 2019, hits Balochistan the most. About half of its population faces mild to severe food insecurity. Similarly, the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS) 2017-18 reveals that stunted growth among children in Balochistan remains […]
Where’s Balochistan’s slice of democracy? on June 26, 2018Democracy is a gift. One that continues to benefit humans in their everyday experiences. Democracy was secured after a thorough, continuous tug of war between autocrats and commoners, stretched along decades. This gift seems to have eluded Balochistan for a long time now. In fact, the evolution of governance structures from different forms of autocratic […]
A revelation of a book on August 22, 2014Forty Rules of Love is a work of fiction. This great literary work has significant appeal in the contemporary world, presently engulfed in bitter waves of hatred, antagonism and religious myopia that, like a festering wound, eat at the very roots of collective thinking, concepts of co-existence and universal brotherhood. Elif Shafak is an award […]