Centrica’s job losses are painful but they do prove that Ed Miliband’s energy shake-up could save capitalism on February 26, 2018Here’s some advice for the people worried about Britons’ increasing disillusionment with capitalism: hire Ed Miliband. Before you burn yourself with your morning coffee, and I’d imagine that applies to people on both sides of the political divide, I can explain why the man once described as “Red Ed” could have charted for a path […]
Let’s hope 2018 is the year that tech companies finally take responsibility for their actions on December 25, 2017Got some AI on your Christmas list? An Amazon Echo, or one of those Google Home thingies? Perhaps an iPhone or an iPad, complete with Siri? If you get your heart’s desire you’ll soon come to realise that it isn’t all that. Try getting Alexa to play the Pixies’ River Euphrates if you don’t believe […]
Even the IMF now agrees that taxing the rich is the only way to decrease inequality on October 16, 2017Conservative attacks on Jeremy Corbyn have sought to characterise the Labour leader as a ‘dinosaur’ from the bad old days of the 1970s. It’s an ill-conceived tactic at best. An increasingly large chunk of the electorate wasn’t even born then, or, if it was, was too young to have been paying attention to current affairs. […]
Brexiteers will end up taking away the rights of remainers if the EU doesnt step in to protect us on December 5, 2016Remember when Ukip councillor Terence Nathan said this: “Time to start killing these people till Article 50 is invalid, perhaps Remainers will get the message then”? Or how about Tory councillor Christian Holliday with his petition calling for the Treason Felony Act to be amended to make supporting UK membership of the EU a crime? […]
If Theresa May were a corporate CEO she would have been fired over her Brexit negotiations on November 28, 2016The Prime Minister has been absolutely clear: she will not give a “running commentary” on Brexit negotiations. It would be “crazy” to give details of Britain’s negotiating stance ahead of the talks that will commence after Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty has been triggered. And, of course, there will be no vote on what […]
Brexit is a clear message to big business on July 4, 2016See, we told you so. Vodafone has become one the first out of the stalls to announce it is considering leaving in response to Brexit. Its operational HQ is only ten minute drive or so from Newbury Racecourse so perhaps that’s no surprise. Vodafone will not be the last. It usually angers me when businesses […]