The shocking math of the Republican tax plan on November 20, 2017If it gives us nothing else positive, the Republican tax plan-and, in its Senate form, the health-care repeal-at least provides clarity. There is no debate. The middle class will, in the long run, pay more in taxes than under current law, and the rich will pay less. For a brief moment last week, there did […]
The Economic lessons of the stink highway on April 24, 2017We are living in the age of malodor amelioration. You smell better now-and will smell even better in the future-because of the advances that are occurring along Interstate 95 between Philadelphia and Newark. You could call that stretch of road “the stink highway.” This revolution began in 1990, when George Preti, a scientist at the […]
Trumps abuse of government data on April 3, 2017On January 22, 1930, not quite three months after the stock-market crash and the ensuing economic collapse, the Times, in a front-page article, quoted President Herbert Hoover saying that “the tide of employment has changed in the right direction.” His Secretary of Labor, James J. Davis, citing reports on America’s industries, pronounced the country “well […]