Pakistani Erdogan on May 21, 2012National elections in Pakistan are around the corner and if certain polls are to be believed, Pakistan may have a new prime minister in 2013, if not sooner. In order to deliver the Pakistani nation from the economic doldrums, the next prime minister will have to learn quickly and act even faster. The spectacular success […]
Public enemy no. 1: inflation in Pakistan II on April 11, 2012From 2007-08 through February 2011, food prices in Pakistan have increased by 81 percent, according to the official estimates. At the same time, the Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO) Food Price Index, which measures international food price inflation, averaged 228 points in 2011. This present index value is 23 percent (42 points) more than in […]
Public enemy no.1: inflation in Pakistan I on April 10, 2012Pakistani policymakers, embroiled in Machiavellian plots, have missed out on a very important development: inflation in Pakistan has become public enemy no.1. Unchecked, runaway inflation, more than anything else, has become an existential threat for Pakistan. It can lead to the total and utter implosion of our social fabric and political system. The massive […]