Drama serial ‘Khaas’ differentiates between Pakistani feminism and feminism on October 24, 2019So you are a true feminist and devotedly uphold the principles of feminism. You talk about women empowerment and are practicing it to the core of your heart. Your family, your work circle and your social setup all represent the virtues of this most-needed mindset. You are proud that you are creating a difference. You […]
There is more to child abuse than just sexual abuse on October 5, 2019Child sexual abuse is a rising epidemic in Pakistan. The biggest case appeared in Kasur district in 2015. Although the subsequent news was an eye-opener, it didn’t change the abuse culture that much national or internationally. Zainab Ansari was one of many other episodes of this series of abuse. The emotions, honor, and religious and […]
The real culprit behind the economic crime of leg-pulling in Pakistan on September 21, 2019No one denies the vast resources and talents present in our country. What is lacking is a national spirit to perform and succeed. Oh, wait! Even that passion for success is present. Still, we are lagging as a nation to achieve much-deserved stardom in the areas of the economy, learning, and ethics. What is stopping […]