Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s legal battle has made headlines over time, including the most recent, disturbing revelations in the FBI documents that left the internet in shock. While the Fury actor’s former wife filed suit against FBI in April and also against her allegedly abusive ex-husband, with added additional pictorials featuring her bruises. The revelation has drawn impact on Pitt as he has started losing friends in Hollywood, reportedly. According to National Enquirer report in latest edition, a source revealed that people in Hollywood initially thought the Eternals actress, 47, responsible for the feud with Pitt. However, the disturbing images of Jolie with contusions and marks allegedly made them think twice about the Fight Club star. An insider revealed, “a lot of people are looking at Brad now and wondering if he’s not the bad guy in all this after all.” The leaked pictures were submitted by the Maleficent star to the FBI’s investigation for the couple’s marriage-ending 2016 fight aboard a private jet. Jolie alleged that Pitt had been drinking on the flight and abused their son Maddox. However, Pitt has reportedly, denied the claims.