Kevin Federline, the former husband, shared video of Britney Spears yelling at her sons. He shared the videos on Instagram and deleted them after a short while. The former couple had two sons Sean Preston, 16, and Jayden James, 15 together. The video shared by Federline was made four years ago. Yahoo Entertainment reported the clips from two separate incidents. “I can not sit back and let my sons be accused in this way after what they’ve been through,” he wrote on Instagram. “As much as it hurts us, we decided as a family to post these videos the boys took when they were 11 & 12. This isn’t even the worst of it. The lies have to stop. I hope our kids grow up to be better than this.” Spears’s attorney, Mathew Rosengart, hit back at Federline in a statement, claiming he “has undermined his own children” and violated the singer’s privacy. Kevin Federline, the former husband, shared video of Britney Spears yelling at her sons. He shared the videos on Instagram and deleted them after a short while. The former couple had two sons Sean Preston, 16, and Jayden James, 15 together. The video shared by Federline was made four years ago. Yahoo Entertainment reported the clips from two separate incidents. Pssss my fiancé got my medicine … I survived !!!! — Britney Spears (@britneyspears) January 14, 2022