Hyderabad: In the village of Kapri Mori district Badin Hindus and Muslims live and die together. Sabeels, Niyaz are regularly arranged by the local Hindu community to pay homage to martyrs of Karbalain.
Kapri Mori district Badin is a village where Hindus fast in Ramazan, said Mukesh Meghwar, a minority rights activist while talking to The Daily Times.
Mukesh, who passionately takes part in the Muharram procession, added, “I participate in the Muharram procession as a sign of solidarity with my Muslim brethren and show my respect for the sacrifice made by Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA).”
“The Hindu community shares the same love for the Ahl-e-bait (family of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) as the Muslim community and in doing so we honor the sacrifice made by Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA), which is a sacrifice for all of humanity,” Abdul Haq Haleepoto.
“The interfaith harmony in Kapri Mori is ingrained in our culture. We being as Muslims do celebrate Diwali and Holi and Hindus observe Eid and Muharram. That is how things have been and we strive to keep it that way,” he further adds.