Asim Azhar has dropped the release date for the first single from his first ever studio album that he announced in December last year. Asim first hinted at releasing his first album in September 2021 when he completed eight years in the music industry. On Wednesday, he announced the first single titled Kabhi Mai Kabhi Tum and instantly started trending on Twitter. Asim later thanked his fans “Asimates” for their efforts to promote the album on social media. The music video for Kabhi Mai Kabhi Tum features Saba Qamar and Fahad Mustafa. A teaser was released in November and showed Fahad and Saba in what appeared to be an intense relationship. The single will be released on February 28, 2022. Asim, who was the voice behind Cadbury’s Kitna Maza Aye Re and Cocomo Mujhe bhi Do, rose to success with his single Sunlay in 2013. He made his Coke Studio debut with a reprisal of Noor Jehan’s popular number Hina ki Khushbu. In 2016, his duet Tera Woh Pyar with Momina Mustehsan became an instant hit and has since crossed 148 million views on YouTube. In May 2020, Asim Azhar stepped into Bollywood with Humraah for Aditya Roy Kapoor and Disha Patani.