Despite countless protests and petitions sent to the authorities for basic women rights and justice, all attempts have fallen in vain. Yet again, we have witnessed a woman facing the brunt of public harassment. It depicts a dark and gloomy picture of our society where misogynistic patriarchal mindset and gender discrimination are deeply entrenched and might only change by some miracle or sheer luck.
My heart has been crying ever since I watched the horrific #MinarePakistan video. TikToker Ayesha Akram was assaulted mercilessly-tossed in midair, groped and stripped by a mob of 400 thirsty and unempathetic monsters. What’s mortifying is that this barbaric act took place on the auspicious occasion of Independence at Minar-e-Pakistan. The mishappening took hours during which spectators watched with amusement and offered no help.
People have been expressing all kinds of sentiments on social media. However, the absurdity of some comments is appalling. While the conventional misogynists were quick to blame the victim for leaving the house in the first place in “un-Islamic” clothing, others quickly jumped on the bandwagon and accused Ayesha of pulling off a public stunt. Shockingly, some people suggested that she deserved what had happened since she was a TikToker. It is outrageous how people actually believe that a woman can stoop to such a level to stage a self-humiliating public stunt for a mere thousand social media followers and two weeks of fame?
This incident has triggered countless women who have been molested at some point in their lives.
This particular incident has not only enveloped the vulnerable majority with terror but triggered countless women who have been molested at some point in their lives. Women have expressed feelings of hopelessness, insecurity and even remorse due to extreme victim-blaming and gas-lighting. I abhor such acts of gendered violence and bigotry. This clearly depicts the level of depravity, defiance and inhumanity rampant among the stronger sex. Our culture is such that it guarantees women’s safety under the patriarch, which depicts a catch-22 situation when the same figure becomes the root of domestic violence. We are dupes of “honour culture” where men find honour and shame in women’s bodies. Hence, they deem themselves “owners.”
Ultimately, the patriarchal institutions provide immunity to perpetrators by solely focusing on why the particular victim was victimised? Accordingly, perhaps she was dressed inappropriately, unaccompanied by a non-mahram or “intentionally” grabbing attention, which provoked the “robotic” nature of men to succumb to lust.
Every day, some girl is either raped, slaughtered or killed in the name of honour. I speak for all these oppressed voices who remain devoid of justice either due to stigma or biased patriarchal criminal justice system. Or, they are silenced by their families to prevent the loss of family honour and are scarred for life. I speak for countless Qandeels, Zainabs, Quratulains, Noors and Ayeshas whose perpetrators roam free. Justice must be served since justice delayed is justice denied.
At this point, it is pertinent to ask those who dismiss the issue by arguing, “Not all men,” the justification behind a mob of men committing this barbaric act? All things aside, it is high time that people are enlightened with the true essence of what the term “woman” entails. Apparently, a majority of the dominant patriarchal sex is still apathetic to its meaning. Going by headlines, they are still appraised as something to be objectified. Today, I have finally understood why the slogan “Mera Jism Meri Marzi” is so important. Until and unless women don’t take ownership of their bodies, they can never get liberated from men. Yes, all men!
The writer is a freelance columnist.