The security forces on Tuesday conducted an area sanitization operation in Zewa area of Kurram District on reported presence of terrorists. During intense exchange of fire with terrorists, Captain Basit, aged 25, resident of Haripur, and Sepoy Hazrat Bilal, aged 22, resident of Orakzai, embraced martyrdom, said an Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) news release. It said the operation was conducted after security forces had received reports of terrorists’ presence in the area. During the exchange of fire, three terrorists were also killed, the military’s media wing said, adding a-cordon-and-search operation is underway to eliminate any other terrorists found in the area. Last month, a soldier of the Frontier Corps Balochistan was martyred during an attack launched by militants on M-8 near Shapak, District Hoshab. Sepoy Kifait Ullah, a resident of Sibi, had embraced martyrdom when militants attacked a water bowser through a pressurised IED. On June 25, five FC soldiers were martyred in an attack by terrorists in Sibi, Balochistan, the ISPR had said in a statement. The terrorists had targeted an FC patrol party in Sangan, District Sibi.