Pakistani stars Sajal Ali and Feroze Khan’s throwback dance video is doing the rounds on social media leaving their fans awestruck. Sajal and Feroze, who collaborated in film Zindagi Kitni Haseen Hay, could be seen shaking a leg in a sound studio. The video is reportedly from 2016 while they were promoting their film Zindagi Kitni Haseen Hay. Feroze Khan and Sajal’s dance video has been viewed by thousands of fans and it has gone viral on social media platforms. It may be noted here that Sajal and Feroze Khan were close friends in the past. The Khaani actor announced in March 2020 that he had quit the entertainment industry. Taking to Twitter, the actor issued a statement for his fans who had been eagerly waiting for him to comment on whether he has really quit showbiz. “My fans have been waiting for a statement from me. I announce that I quit the showbiz industry and will only act and provide my services for the teaching of Islam through this platform if needed else anything but this InshAllah, Request you all to pray for me and my loved ones,” he tweeted. Meanwhile, Sajal, who won the hearts of millions of fans with her outstanding performance in Geo TV’s drama serial Alif, got married to co-star Ahad Raza Mir earlier this year.