The NAB Lahore has completed its investigation in Mir Shakilur Rahman’s case in record time. Sources said that the NAB Regional Board approved reference against Mir Shakil and three other accomplices. In the reference, Mir Shakil has been named as the main accused, while former Punjab chief minister Nawaz Sharif, former LDA DG Humayun Faiz Rasool and former director land Mian Bashir have been named as co-accused. In the reference, they have been accused of transferring valuable lands by allegedly misusing their powers. According to sources, the accused allegedly illegally allotted land at the ideal location along the canal. The land consisted of one block in total violation of examination laws. The accused illegally added two streets to the proposed land and got allotment of 59 kanals of land instead of 54 kanals by mutual consent. The NAB investigation team has sent two summons and a questionnaire to accused Nawaz Sharif, to which no reply has been received so far. Arrest warrants have also been issued for Nawaz Sharif for non-cooperation in the case. Sources said that 16 witnesses against the accused have been made part of the reference by the NAB investigation team.