Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan Thursday said the government had decided to release the pending amounts to media houses with the condition that they would immediately clear all the outstanding dues of their workers. Dr Firdous apprised the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Information and Broadcasting about the measures adopted by the government to prevent the nation from coronavirus and problems faced by them in this regard. She was responding to a question related to protection of the interests of media workers. The chairman committee Mian Javed Latif presided over the meeting. The committee expressed grave concern over the disaster of COVID-19 which paralyzed the whole world and stressed upon the need for adopting identical precautionary measures throughout the country in consultation with all provinces to avoid further spread of coronavirus. The committee directed that Ministry may give special incentives to media workers and provide them safety kits at the earliest so that they could work more effectively for the welfare of the country. The meeting was attended by MNAs Engr. Usman Khan Tarakai, Nasir Khan Musazai, Tahir Iqbal, Ms. Javeria Zafar Aheer, Kanwal Shauzab, Nadeem Abbas, Marriyum Aurangzeb, Maiza Hameed , Ms. Nafisa Shah, Aftab Jahangir , Syma Nadeem , Naz Baloch, Zulfiqar Ali Behan, MNA and officials of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and its attached departments. Meanwhile, Firdous Ashiq Awan said on Thursday that PTV would live telecast Tarawih prayers during the holy month of Ramazan, on the directives of the prime minister. In a tweet, she said as always, the blessings of the holy month of Ramazan would reach every home. She said during this time of coronavirus epidemic, people would stay at their homes and participate in live telecast of Tarawih prayers. Separately, Firdous Aashiq Awan said on Thursday that strict action would be taken against the violators of standard operating procedures( SOPs) during the lockdown to control coronavirus pandemic. The government was considering to constitute committees to ensure complete implementation of SOPs at religious activities during the holy month of Ramazan. Religious scholars, community leaders and political leaders would be a part of these committees, she said talking to a private news channel. ”Strict lockdown in the whole country can create economic issues for the middle class and low income people, so the government would cordon off the areas where coronavirus cases would emerge,” she added. After the 18th amendment the provincial governments were free to take measures for the welfare of public, however the federal government would support the provincial governments by providing guidelines, she said.