Not many were fond of the out-of-tune voice of Altaf Hussain blaring from our television sets with the most nonsensical and irrelevant of songs during his harangues. Let us also not ignore the unwarranted fervent tirades. Nevertheless, many have always accepted him to be the leader of a prominent political party with a stream of followers despite his questionable political motives and strategies. However, with his blame-game politics, an odd sense of patriotism, spewing of venom against state institutions, and finally hurling “Pakistan Murdabad” slogans, one is forced to consider him no less than a ‘traitor’, and quite a haughty one at that. His legions of political vandals and militants have forced one to unmask his political legacy as one with an ulterior nefarious motive: destruction of the social and political fabric of Pakistan.
Altaf Hussain’s political career has been full of controversies, and this is not the first time that he has invited criticism or offended the patriots. He is the same person who said that Pakistan’s creation was the biggest mistake in the history of mankind, and that the independence of Pakistan was a foolish and non-essential step taken by Mohammad Ali Jinnah. It is comments such as these that help in giving perspective to the recent events. This time Mr Hussain went a little too far saying, “Finishing Pakistan will be a religious deed.” This inflammatory speech was a rude awakening for even the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) clan, and quite a few prominent leaders and workers decided to quit the party.
It is shocking that Mr Hussain feels at liberty to incite citizenry against the state. One fails to understand how asking one’s followers to get ready for battle against state institutions does not amount to high treason. Does imploring an enemy intelligence agency (that is known to be allegedly working against Pakistan’s interests and responsible for terrorist activities in Pakistan) for assistance not amount to high treason as well? Does asking NATO and a hostile country to send their forces to Pakistan not amount to high treason? How is writing a letter to the High Commissioner of India against Pakistan’s intelligence agencies not high treason? Add to that, calling Pakistan an “incurable ulcer,” hurling Pakistan Murdabad slogans and asking one’s party to destroy Pakistan. It is hard to imagine an act more accurately fitting the definition of treason.
Moreover, complaining about the institutions that are serving to eliminate terrorism within Sindh reflects upon the plans of the MQM’s spearhead who wants to get rid of inconveniences for the criminal scums working under him, spreading the very terror Rangers were called in to take care of. The security apparatus, therefore, will enjoy his ‘unconditional’ support only if they give him and his miscreants a ‘safe passage’. It is interesting and ironic to note here that Mr Hussain, back in 2013, had invited the military to initiate an operation to work against criminals, and had promised his full support for that operation.
It comes as no surprise that electronic, print and social media are holding the MQM leader’s actions under a magnifying glass, discussing what the future holds for Mr Hussain. Article 17 of the Constitution explicitly states that any political party responsible for working against the state’s interests can be banned. Also, section 124A of the Pakistan Penal Code has clearly outlined the seditious acts. After reading the section and analysing Mr Hussain’s diatribe and consequent acts, it is not hard to comprehend that the legal proceedings can and should be initiated against him. Similarly, the West Pakistan Maintenance of Public Ordinance, which stipulates the law of preventive detention vis-à-vis maintenance of public order/safety/interest, is also of relevance and can be used to strengthen a criminal case against Altaf Hussain.
This is not the first sight of Mr Hussain’s chameleon-like properties wherein he apologised the next day. The blatantly obvious pattern stares back at those who wish to see it. This is also not the first time he has crafted words against Pakistan, and like a desolate opera singer, he has merely exercised his vocal ranges and jacked up the pitch. Similarly, in this vein, this is not the first time he has spewed venom on media, judiciary and army. This certainly is not the first time that MQM workers have attacked a TV studio or terrorised the institution of journalism. They act as per the dictate of their supreme leader’s will. But let’s be fair here; no matter how many times these offences have been repeated, Mr Hussain has apologised. Hasn’t he?
The past governments have been repeatedly guilty of ignoring serious threats to Pakistan’s security and not taking a strong enough action at the right time. Let’s hope that the current regime will wake up to the task and realise that in the case of this ‘enemy of the state’, it might already be too late.
The writer is a lawyer, and he can be reached at Twitter at @sahialiafzal