Sadia Jabbar Productions, famously known for taking over the digital and broadcast media with its television shows, films and digital series, has now released the trailer for a new digital talk show titled ‘Beautiful Confessions with Asma Nabeel.’ The teaser trailers for the digital talk-show were released on International Women’s Day, featuring the renowned screenwriter and a cancer-survivor, Asma Nabeel, who would be hosting this show. She would be reaching out to numerous extraordinary women to learn about their journey to becoming who they are today. The show aims to bring unheard stories of power-women that you didn’t know existed to the common man. Talking about the new show, director and producer Sadia Jabba revealed, “A show that is completely for women, by women, was long due in Pakistan. There are so many inspiring stories that we want to put out there, and celebrate all the wonder women we are surrounded by.”