Pakistan women’s team player Iram Javed stunned the fans on through her beat boxing skills. The official account of T20 world cup tweeted a video of Iram chilling with her team mates, in which she is beat boxing with the help of a bat while her friends, Muneeba Ali, Sidra Nawaz, and Sadia Iqbal dance over the rhythm.
Iram was lauded for her hidden talent.
Pick the beat 🎤
Set the rhythm 🎼
Make your own music 🎶— T20 World Cup (@T20WorldCup) February 18, 2020
Momentarily, Pakistan women team is in Australia to play ICC Women’s T20 World Cup. The event will start on 21st February while the final of the event will be played on the 8th of March this year. In the ICC women’s t20 world cup 2020 fixtures we can see that all teams have the opportunity to play on different venues and each venue has different pitch and weather conditions which makes the tournament interesting and exciting for the fans.
The tournament is played once every 2 years and the Cricket Australia is the defending champions of the tournament who have the great chance to win the trophy yet again plus they have the home advantage for the event.
The Women’s World Cup has been dominated by Cricket Australia who has already won four titles so far while England and West Indies won one title each. The top 6 teams from the event have been determined from the ICC Women’s T20I rankings with one team qualified as the host while three other teams join the event.