Why upskilling thousands of small medium enterprises on digital platforms can make them shine on global exports and bring home most need foreign exchange?New and old economies of the world commonly faced with critical challenges on improving national exports to bring foreign exchange to boost their national economy. The problems are directly related to shortages of superior-performance-education fitting global-age demands, high quality vocational training with massive upskilling in simultaneous synchronization. Today, more importantly lack of critical thinking and complex problem solving to stand up to global standards of quality and marketable performances is more visible. Digital platforms offer brand new opportunities. If such ideas are not new funding but execution starved, what’s stopping these global advancements? Nations must not lose any more time and demonstrate skills to grow under free falling rains of technology and create lush gardens of high quality small and medium enterprises enjoying quality growth, these strategies call for national agenda and deployments under new thinking… “Firing the first person for incompetence for saying they have no new funding to change and firing the next person for disorganization for saying they are too busy and have no time to change” Digital divide is nothing but a mental divide; refusing to accept technology and change, study deeply what’s stopping national digitization amongst nations. National leadership and institutionalized economic development trade groups and agencies like Chambers and trade Association already mandated to foster vertical markets growth must come under large new umbrella to acquire special understanding on global image positioning and optimizing of digital platforms of exportability. The entire exportability and foreign exchange problem in tow words, “skills and confidence” where lack of skills strip confidence to open up a new world of 200 nations. Urgently needed is the open and bold discussion on national mobilization of entrepreneurialism on digital platforms. This is global-age smartness on complex problem solving skills to stand up to standards of performance and open a new world Enters the Pentiana Project, a global age digital platform solution to uplift thousands of small medium businesses within a region of a nation on digital platforms and orient them on massive transformation to become export savvy. In response to such challenges Lahore Chamber of Commerce is receiving delegates headed byMadame AsifaBaig from Expothon, a Canadian Think-tank, to lead the discussions, on February 17th 2020 and explore various options on how to uplift 5000-10,000 SME across Pakistan and train them to open up many dozens of new markets with new bold ideas. This visit is all about selecting key Chambers and Associations to identify 5000-10,000 small medium enterprises currently with $1 million USD to $USD20 million in annual turnover, keen to expand rapidly on growth and exports and to place them on a global digital platform and train them for exportability. This is global-age smartness on complex problem solving skills to stand up to standards of performance and open a new world. Three New Facts of today: Fact One: The world can easily absorb unlimited exportable ideas in unlimited vertical markets. Fact Two: The well-designed innovative ideas are worthy of such quadrupled volumes. Fact Three: The entrepreneurial and hard working nations blessed with natural resources are capable of such tasks. Three new realities of today: Anything and everything work-production-related is now global in nature, understand well on how to work and produce for the global-standards. Anything and everything technology-related is almost free, check pricelists and explore options and eliminate fears of robots. Anything and everything demanding global-age-skills-related is often critically missing, make lifelong learning mandatory across the region or nation. National mobilization of entrepreneurialism is a new art and science on digital platforms. Awaken the nation with digital platforms. Three solutions of today: What deployment ready strategies are in place for National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism on platform economies necessary to uplift midsize economy? How will Chambers of Commerce of the world on digital platforms start to showcase members and what positive energy will it create when the 11,000 chambers with 45 million come into action? When hidden national talents boosted, “showcased” and entrepreneurialism rises across the nation, when women entrepreneurs come in the play, and 5000-10,000 SME in the game how much exportability will all this create? When entrepreneurialism is diverse and tolerant with progression in nature how much harmony will it create in the market place? Upskilling provide a better future. The writer is Chairman Expothon Worldwide wWhy upskilling thousands of small medium enterprises on digital platforms can make them shine on global exports and bring home most need foreign exchange?New ww.expothon.com