All of us are keen on always keeping our skin healthy and ever-glowing, making sure it does not get damaged.
Given our daily hectic schedules, however, we miss out on this major part, i.e. taking proper care of the skin, especially in our late 30s. But following these easy tips, just for the sake of the skin, should not be a very big deal.
To properly take care of the skin you first need to identify what your skin type is. According to the skin type, it becomes easier to identify and select what kind of skincare products to purchase. “There are different kinds of skin types i.e. dry skin, sensitive skin, oily skin, normal skin, etc., and according to that one should follow the skincare techniques and make the purchase of the products”, says Pooja Malhotra, Customer Experience Trainer, Kiko Milano
Following are some very handy and easy tips, which can surely help give some amazing skin results.
USE SUNSCREEN WITHOUT FAIL — regardless of how the skin looks like and what is the skin type, anyone’s skin can get affected by the sun. It is very important to protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun, especially when you see minute fine lines appearing around your eyes. So there is no harm in making the skin layered up with proper sunscreen so as to protect the skin from the harmful sun rays. Applying sunscreen without fail should be a part of your daily skincare routine.
Regardless of how the skin looks like and what is the skin type, anyone’s skin can get affected by the sun. It is very important to protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun, especially when you see minute fine lines appearing around your eyes. So there is no harm in making the skin layered up with proper sunscreen so as to protect the skin from the harmful sun rays
EXFOLIATE YOUR SKIN REGULARLY — exfoliating is basically removing the dead skin cells from the skin which, if not removed properly, can result in dry, flaky patches and pores. Exfoliating the skin basically makes it look brighter and improves its effectiveness. “Exfoliating can either be done by manual scrubbing or rubbing or by using certain products that help in proper exfoliating of the skin”, says Malhotra.
DRINK LOTS OF WATER & KEEP SKIN HYDRATED ALWAYS — water is one basic necessity of human beings and something that no one can live without. Without proper intake of water, the skin might appear to be duller; the wrinkles and pores more prominent. Drinking loads of water hydrates the skin properly and makes it glow.
EAT HEALTHILY & SLEEP WELL — eating all kinds of oily and junk food is not good for the skin, and leads to pores and acne. Also, proper sleep is required for the skin to also rest and help fight fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. Apart from using all the products and creams for proper skincare, it is very important a keep a check on the diet – eat healthy food and also take a proper nightly sleep for a much better skin.
ALWAYS REMOVE MAKEUP BEFORE SLEEPING — it’s very important to remove makeup before going to bed – as it can cause extensive damage to your skin during the night. “Makeup residue and the substances that make your make up can also cause many skin imperfections when left for hours on end during the night. That’s why it is important to use a makeup remover before going to bed, and then moisturising your face to help your skin breathe right,” adds Malhotra.