Slavery is one of the worst curses man is confronted with. It becomes a way of life for all those people who don’t get their rights. A number of laws have been passed for the abolition of slavery; however, it still exists in almost all countries. Now the form and nature of slavery has changed. Domestic work, forced marriages, forced prostitution, unequal wage distribution, forced labour, absence of freedom of movement, child abuse, absence of informed consent, misuse of public power for political gains, and violent control on the minds of people are new forms of slavery. Male chauvinism is another type of slavery. Men subject women to certain restrictions. Sometimes, women are beaten to death due to male superiority in our society. Women are treated as slaves in many parts of the world. So-called religious folks exploit religion for their personal gains. Their many followers act as slaves. It is important to note that slavery is no more limited to physical exploitation. All those people who cannot think critically and accept what their leaders say are slaves. Mental slavery stops people from raising their voice for their own benefits. Slaves are abused, exploited and trafficked. Many political leaders use force and psychological coercion to make people accept their opinions and agendas. Psychological manipulation is one of the worst forms of slavery. It ensures dynastic politics. Owing to the prevalence of psychological slavery, known corrupt people can participate in elections because of their influence on the minds of people. In a country like Pakistan, politicians misuse religion to get personal benefits. All this is happening due to the widespread of psychological slavery. Many landlords use psychological slavery as a tool to ensure their rule in society and over the minds of people. Sometimes, needy people take a loan to fulfill their basic needs, and in turn, they accept harsh conditions of loan givers. In many cases, loan-repayment is forever out of their reach, and as a result, loan-takers become slaves of the loan-givers. Debt passes from one generation to the next, and family slavery is established. Forced labour is another worst form of slavery. People are hired on a daily wage system, and they don’t get as much as they deserve. Most of our villages are not slavery proof. Under such conditions, community based freedom is compromised. It is important to note that slavery is no more limited to physical exploitation. All those people who cannot think critically and accept what their leaders say are slaves According to a research, the prevalence of psychiatric disorders is more in those countries where slavery is still prevalent. Slaves suffer from different psychological issues. Even when a slave is freed, he can experience a panic disorder and depressive symptoms. Many countries are doing a number of things to end slavery completely. Emancipation and the process of rehabilitation are not enough. Anti-slavery laws don’t guarantee the end of slavery. Provision of proper knowledge is the first step towards elimination of the roots of slavery. The need of the hour is to increase literacy rate in order to eliminate slavery. Every government should plan anti-slavery programmes. Anti-slavery ambassadors must be appointed to ensure the provision of political, economic and social rights to everyone without any discrimination. It is important to create an international anti-slavery alliance. The role of local police officers is undeniable. The UNO is one of the best institutions that can end slavery in the world. The United Nations Security Council should send slavery inspectors to different countries of the world. Other than that, it is important to start slave empowerment programmes to ensure the provision of their rights, both at local and national level. Lessons can be learnt from Brazil where a committee was formed to end slavery completely. Special mobile operation groups were formed to help slaves. As a result, around 5,000 people were secured in just one year. Another way to end slavery is to follow democratic rules in order to ensure equality and peace in society. Media is the most powerful weapon against slavery. A person must be literate, independent and able to think critically in order to be a good citizen of the state. Otherwise, mental slavery is ensured. The role of a mental slave is of no value. In, fact their votes are harmful for society. Everyone will have to work together before visualising a better future. The writer is a clinical psychologist