Actors Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani starrer ‘Kabir Singh’ seems to have struck the correct chord with audience. The film collected over Rs 20 crore on day one. With this, it has emerged as Shahid Kapoor’s biggest opener and also surpassed the collection of his last outing ‘Padmaavat’. Critic and journalist Taran Adarsh shared the day one collections on Twitter. He wrote, “#KabirSingh is terrific on Day 1. Emerges Kapoor’s biggest opener and the biggest non-holiday opening day of 2019. Is a craze amongst the youth! Friday Rs 20.21 crore. India biz.” Critic and journalist Taran Adarsh shared the day one collections on Twitter In another Tweet, Taran Adarsh mentioned the top five biggest openers of 2019. He wrote, “Top 5 Day 1 business 2019 releases. 1) ‘Bharat’ 2) ‘Kalank’ 3) ‘Kesari’ 4) ‘Kabir Singh’ 5) ‘Gully Boy’. #KabirSingh is the only film in this list to have the traditional Friday release.” The songs of ‘Kabir Singh’ had created ripples on social media and its trailer had raised the excitement level for the film. It has been helmed by Sandeep Vanga and is the official remake of 2017 Telugu blockbuster ‘Arjun Reddy’.