The trailer of Karan Johar’s upcoming venture ‘Student Of the Year 2’ starring Tiger Shroff, Ananya Pandey and Tara Sutaria has gained widespread attention from the fans and B-town celebs. Heres what the celebs had wrote Varun Dhawan, the Ex-student 2012 batch of Student Of The Year took to Twitter and wrote,” Here’s wishing all the new student #tara #ananya and the tiger of our industry @iTIGERSHROFF congratulations on getting into st Teresa. Great job Punit #SOTY2Trailer” Another ex-student Alia Bhatt took to social media to wish the next batch saying,” All the best guys!!!! Looking like soo much fun… @iTIGERSHROFF #AnanyaPanday #TaraSutaria” Abhishek Bachchan complimented saying, “What fun! All the best @punitdmalhotra @karanjohar @apoorvamehta18 @iTIGERSHROFF @ananyapandayy Tara.” Hrithik Roshan who appreciates his future costar on twitter as well as on Instagram commenting, “Bullseye!! Cheers to a very worthy student @iTIGERSHROFF Good luck to the entire team. #SOTY2Trailer” and “Absolute stunner !!Fantastic !! ” respectively. The Gully Boy of B-town Ranveer Singh also commented saying,” Yieeeeaaaaaah!” Karthik Aryan praised the star saying,” This looks kickass !! Congrats to the new batch #AnanyaPanday #TaraSutaria And @iTIGERSHROFF my bro keep roaring !!! Cant wait watch it” Humma Qureshi cheers for Tiger and the cast saying,” Woah ! Can’t wait to see … love @iTIGERSHROFF @ananyapandayy #Tara @karanjohar @apoorvamehta18 ” The cute couple Riteish – GeneliaDeshmukh were thrilled and amazed by his performance sharing,” Loved the trailer of #Soty2 So proud of you my friend @punitdmalhotra – @iTIGERSHROFF you are in top form @tarasutaria__ this is going to be a perfect debut, @ananyapandayy you are so so good am super thrilled- My dearest @karanjohar& @apoorvamehta18 One more Blockbuster” “Punitttt fabulous… looks amazinggggg … congratulations @karanjohar @apoorvamehta18 @punitdmalhotra @iTIGERSHROFF #Tara @ananyapandayy @DharmaMovies @foxstarhindi @ZeeMusicCompany @SOTYOfficial @dop007 @VishalDadlani @ShekharRavjiani ..Super duper cool ..” The producers shared their views as, WardaNadiadwala said,” All the love, luck & win in this race! Abhitoh tune start kiyahai TIGER TIGERRRRRRR #SajidNadiadwala” and Nadiadwala Grandsons acknowledged his performance saying,” GET READY TO FIGHT @iTIGERSHROFF is here to win. All the love and luck! #SajidNadiadwala @WardaNadiadwala #SOTY2Trailer” Vikram Singh loved his costar’s performance he said,” Loved the Trailer . #Success Written all Over.. Cheers Bro @iTIGERSHROFF Hugs” Helmed by Punit Malhotra, the film will hit the screens on May 10, 2019.