The detailed interim decision of Lahore High Court division bench on intra-court appeal regarding the appointment of VCs of four public sector universities (i.e., PU, UOS, NSUET and LCWU) came out on December 28, 2016, which has generated a debate in academic circles. It has not only struck down the selection process of VCs but has also declared the composition of ‘Search Committee’ void. The court has directed the HEC to appoint senior most professors of the respective universities as provisional VCs of the four universities in place of the incumbent acting VCs, for which the writ petition was filed. However, the decision has also made the regular VCs of seven other universities as ‘Provisional VCs’, which has raised many eyebrows. It reminds me of Shakespeare’s famous play Julius Caesar (ActIII SceneIII). Third Citizen: Your name, Sir, truly. CINNA THE POET: Truly, my name is Cinna. First Citizen: Tear him to pieces; he’s conspirator. CINNA THE POET: I am Cinna the Poet. Fourth Citizen: Tear him for his bad verses. CINNA THE POET: I am not Cinna, the conspirator. Fourth Citizen: It is no matter, his name’s Cinna; pluck but his name out of his heart, and turn him going. Third Citizen: Tear him, tear him. The decision of the Court has indeed created an uncertain situation for not only the seven universities but for all the public-sector universities of the Punjab and will have far-reaching implications for their functioning and administration. A new pandora box is expected to be opened. Now anyone can also challenge the appointments of VCs of agricultural and health universities. It is worth mentioning that the same procedure had been followed by their respective departments for the selection of VCs. It goes without saying that all universities of the Punjab would remain in limbo until the logical ending of this issue. Only one search committee for the selection of VCs for all universities does not make sense. Every university has different history, culture, requirements, and goals. For example, the University of the Punjab and GC University Lahore stand apart on the stated aspects. Hence, both the universities should not be dealt in the same manner. Therefore, it looks apt that in the ‘search committee’ some representation should be given to alumni and stakeholders of the university. In Pakistan, higher education has been dealt in an ordinary and casual manner, rendering unable to provide desirable results. Thus, the government should give priority to higher education in the real sense; otherwise, it will keep sliding down, and the dream to place our universities in top 500 universities in the world will never be materialised. The appointment of VCs has always met unnecessary delay for one or the other reason and has caused multiple problems for universities. It raises a serious question as to why the selection process is not initiated well before the expiry of the tenure of the incumbent to avoid such delays. Before the 18th amendment, higher education was the domain of the federal government, which managed it through Governor/Chancellor that maintained standard and décor in general and respect and prestige of VCs in particular. For the last few years, public sector universities are being treated without realising their level of education and the value it has for the society. Powers of VCs have been crippled; and for leaves and NOCs, they have to wait for a couple of weeks due to long and centralised procedures involved. The seriousness of the government about universities can be gauged from the fact that in last three years, 12 secretaries of HEC have been changed. Amongst them, seven could not serve this huge and demanding department not more than four months each. In case a VC resigns or goes on emergency leave, there is no provision in the university ordinance as to who will be the acting VC. Such lacunas of university acts must be redressed, and post of pro-vice chancellor should be revived to deal with emergency situations. The same situation was confronted by GCU Lahore in 2015, when after completion of the tenure of incumbent VC, neither a new VC was appointed nor any acting VC was notified for about one month. The time has come to revamp the system of universities. The government should prioritise higher education and take some serious and long-lasting measures to redress its shortcomings and problems. Universities need autonomy; therefore, the government should show generosity and make Governor/Chancellor responsible for the affairs of universities to enhance performance. A ‘special cell’ for universities should be created in Governor House to monitor affairs of the highest seats of learning like “One Window Operation”. It should check and control irregularities and ad-hocism that have caused malfunctioning and inefficiency in universities as in most universities the working of acting treasurers, registrars, and controllers of examinations have been generating a lot of problems. So, the sooner corrective measures are taken, the better it is for the growth and betterment of universities. The writer is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Political Science; Secretary Executive Committee of GCU Endowment Fund Trust; and Honorary Secretary of the Old Ravians Union. He can be reached at