Seventh Sky Entertainment, known for giving back-to-back blockbuster serials, is bringing yet another intriguing story for all drama lovers ‘Mera Rab Waris’ which is commencing from March 7, 2019. Produced by the very creative and unconventional duo of the ace producers Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi, the drama is directed by Asad Jabal and penned by Jahanzeb Qamar. The much-anticipated drama stars Danish Taimur and Madiha Imam in lead roles, the drama also features seasoned names like Seemi Pasha, Abid Ali, Tanveer Jamal, Fazila Qazi, Zain Baig, Shameen Khan and Hira Hussain. The story of ‘Mera Rab Waris’ revolves around a girl Ayesha, played by Madiha Imam, who is not just religious but also believes in a submissive lifestyle. Published in Daily Times, March 5th 2019.