T-Series has removed the songs of Pakistani artists from its YouTube channel after the Pulwama attack. The Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), a far right Indian political party, had called for all music label companies to stop working with Pakistani singers. “We have verbally communicated to Indian music companies like T-Series, Sony Music, Venus and Tips Music etc to not work with Pakistani singers. These companies should stop it immediately or we will take action in our own style,” said Amey Khopkar, head of the MNS Chitrapat Sena. Recently, Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series had collaborated with Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and Atif Aslam for two different singles. “They have removed their songs [from the company’s YouTube channel] post our warning,” Khopkar claimed. Published in Daily Times, February 18th 2019.