Actor Fawad Khan much-awaited film, ‘The Legend of Maula Jatt’ will become the first film from Pakistan to release in China the same day as its domestic release. The movie’s other stars include Mahira Khan, Humaima Malick, and Hamza Ali Abbasi and is directed by Bilal Lashari. Only a handful of big studio backed projects from Hollywood each year are able to achieve such mainstream release in China, a press release read. The press release stated that most commercially successful Bollywood films such as Dangal, Secret Super Star, Hindi Medium and Bahubali, all have been released in China after months or a year after their domestic and international screenings. “It’s no mean feat as China has a limited quota for foreign films to be released each year,” it added. Annually a small number of films are selected among a myriad of them released globally, after thorough scrutiny by the Chinese regulatory authorities. This breakthrough for a local film is all set to give Pakistan a global footing in the world of cinematic craft. ‘The Legend of Maula Jatt’ will release on Eidul Fitr 2019 in Pakistan and China. Published in Daily Times, December 11th 2018.