Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan and Overseas Pakistani Baloch Unity (OPBU) founder Dr Jumma Khan Marri have agreed to step up efforts to expose before the world the so-called Baloch leaders who are involved in various terrorist activities inside Pakistan on the behest of the enemies.
At a meeting in Moscow, the two leaders discussed important issues concerning Pakistan, especially the recent attack by Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) on the Chinese consulate in Karachi.
Dr Marri suggested that Pakistan government should raise the issue with the United Kingdom demanding that it must stop providing a ‘safe haven’ to BLA commander Hyrbyair Marri. He also emphasised that steps should be taken to raise the issue at the platform of the United Nations (UN). He promised to voice his concerns regarding the issue in the European Union Parliament.
Jam Kamal and Dr Marri vowed to raise further awareness among Pakistani community residing in Europe about these so-called leaders who are actively involved in various terrorist activities inside Pakistan on the behest of the enemies.
On the occasion, Dr Marri invited the chief minister to the launching ceremony of Overseas Pakistani Baloch Unity’s Europe chapter which is expected to be held in near future. During the upcoming ceremony, a few prominent Baloch personalities are expected to join the mainstream Pakistani politicians by declaring their disassociation with the anti-Pakistani forces. The chief minister applauded Dr Marri’s efforts in this regard and promised complete support from the government.
Jam Kamal is on an official visit to Russia nowadays. Ambassador of Pakistan to Russia Qazi Khalilullah hosted a dinner in his honour at the Pakistan Embassy in Moscow. Punjab Minister Mian Aslam Iqbal, Advisor to KP CM Kamran Khan Bangash, Shahzad Khan and Amir Shoukat were also present on the occasion.
Published in Daily Times, December 5th 2018.