Destroying a nation doesn’t require the use of bombs, missiles. It requires lowering the quality of education and the allowance of corrupt practices like cheating and not giving the rights of the women.
Women in Pakistan are undoubtedly participating in every field. And despite being denied their fundamental rights, they are enthusiastic to get positions in schools and their professional and academic careers.
As per as the reports, Pakistan’s male and female literacy rate is 70pc and 47pc respectively, making Pakistan have the second highest number of out of school female children the world over.
Girls’ education is highest in the Punjab province and the lowest in Balochistan. A report by the UN titled “legacy rights” mentions Balochistan province as the province where the women rights are almost equal to zero.
Bandai, a twelve-year-old girl, has been recently married in our locality and when she asked her father-in-law to allow her to complete her education, she was denied. She now has a child and says, “I am a child who is raising a child.”
Hani, another girl, has never seen the gate of the school. She recalls that she always watched the other children going to schools and wanted to go there too but her father opposed girls’ education, saying that girls, saying it opposed their religious norms and restrictions.
Another girl child, Isra, after passing her fifth grade, has been forced to stop pursuing education because there is only a primary school in her village and that she has to go to Tump for her higher education but her parents are very poor and both of them work and, thus, she gets no one to drop and pick her from the nearby government secondary school.
Hani, another girl, has never seen the gate of the school. She recalls that she always watched the other children going to schools and wanted to go there too but her father opposed girls’ education, saying that girls, saying it opposed their religious norms and restrictions. She now does the home chores.
According to some reports by the American Psychological Association, women confront more ill effects of mental sickness than men do. Thus, it is proven that women will fall in mental disorders if they are forced to stay home. And in our society, they are generally not allowed to go outdoors. As a result, they suffer in silence and don’t talk about their rights all their lives.
It is for sure that in other parts of the world, women receive their full due rights and are working shoulder to shoulder with the men. But our men must accept that our people cannot progress without giving the women their due rights. Denying their basic rights will have a bad impact on the society. Our enrollment growth rate is 0.92 pc and according to reports if the enrollment of youths to school continues at the same stage, it would take more 60 years to reach the zero out of school male children and would take more 90 years or a century to reach the zero out of school girl children.
We need to think and the government with the people together can make a difference.