KARACHI: A meeting to review the performance of the Sindh Investment Climate Improvement Cell (SICIC) for implementation of the 100 days to Excellence in Doing Business Reforms Plan was held on January 11, 2018 under the chairmanship of Shabbir Ahmed, ACS, Information, Science & Technology Department, Government of Sindh.
The details of the reforms included establishment of an online Sindh Business Registration Portal, to bring together all provincial business registration agencies together on one platform and streamline and expedite business registration procedures. The agencies involved were Excise & Taxation Department, Industries & Commerce, Labour & Human Resources Department, Sindh Employee Social Security Institution and Sindh Board of Investment (focal department of Sindh Business Registration Portal).
The Punjab Information Technology Board has been requested to assist the Government of Sindh to adopt the similar portal in Sindh as in Punjab. The Sindh Business Registration Portal is linked to the Virtual One Stop Shop of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, as in the case of Punjab. It has been proposed that the relevant departments complete all business registrations in Sindh in 3 days. The Sindh Information, Science and technology department will be responsible for liaising with PITB and ensure smooth service delivery and lowest possible downtime for Sindh Business Registration Portal.
The number of days for construction permits and completion certificates will be reduced by automation of Sindh Building Control Authority (SBCA).
The steps to be taken include notify no requirement to obtain NOC by Environment Protection Department (EPD); notify no requirement to obtain NOC by Water Board for warehouses for non-toxic and non-hazardous materials, notify no requirement to obtain property tax evaluation by Excise and Taxation department before issuance of completion certificates; reduce time (50%) to obtain documents confirming the land title (Sindh LRIMS); reduce number of procedures (50%) and time taken for issuance of construction permits and completion certificates by SBCA.
For property registration notification to be issued by BOR stating that advertisement in newspapers is not a legal requirement and will not be accepted by Sindh LARMIS; introduce a standardized sale deed and make it available online; LARMIS to consider improving complaint mechanism and introduce feedback loops for public services; notification to be issued to eliminate the requirement for No Objection certificate.
Large scale and ongoing communication campaigns to ensure that firms are aware of and can benefit from reforms.
Published in Daily Times, January 12th 2017.