Pakistani superstar Atif Aslam and Indian rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh have their fans excited for a musical collaboration as the two struck a pose together. Taking to his Instagram handle on Tuesday night, Yo Yo Honey Singh shared a picture with his ‘borderless brother’ Atif Aslam, from their recent meeting, sparking cross-border collaboration buzz between the two musical icons. “Borderless Brothers! March born brothers,” he wrote in the caption of the picture post, followed by a series of hashtags. Millions of their fans liked their joint post on the Gram and expressed their anticipation for their joint project, via the comments section. Reacting to the post, a social user wrote, “Finally it’s happening,” while another added, “Aadat x Blye Eyes- Collaboration loading soon.” “When One Legend mets another Legend,” read another comment. Someone also hailed Aslam and Singh as ‘melody genius’ and ‘rap genius’ respectively. Notably, this post followed weeks after Honey Singh’s collaboration with Pakistani film star Mehwish Hayat and ‘Coke Studio’ singers Wahab Bugti and Sahiba. Meanwhile, Atif Aslam has recently launched his ambitious initiative ‘Borderless World’, to transcend borders and promote emerging talent and art at a global platform, irrespective of geographical barriers. “It’s a platform to bring together artists, sounds, and stories from around the globe. Get ready for brand new music, epic music videos, that will bring a fresh wave to the music scene,” he said.