Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has taken a pledge from doctors to dedicate themselves to serving humanity. Addressing the launching ceremony of the project to convert 150 health centres into ‘Maryam Nawaz Health Clinic’, here on Tuesday, she announced an increase in the annual fund for dialysis patients from Rs. 700,000 to Rs. 1 million across the province. She revealed plans to introduce motorcycle mini clinics, a project for organ transplants, and a home delivery service for insulin to Type 1 diabetes patients across Punjab. The CM directed the authorities to establish a ‘Help Desk’ in hospitals to guide patients and ensure they receive proper assistance. She emphasized the importance of doctors in the success of healthcare reforms, stating, “By saving one human life, doctors save the life of all humanity. I cannot implement reforms alone; I need the support of doctors to ensure better maintenance, cleanliness, and services at the new ‘Maryam Nawaz Health Clinics.'” The CM noted ongoing efforts to address the shortage of nurses in hospitals across the province. “Paramedical staff on motorcycles will provide initial diagnosis and treatment, with further consultations available via telemedicine,” she added. She acknowledged the challenges in healthcare reform, explaining that the lack of resources and hospital infrastructure remains a significant issue. “Despite these challenges, Punjab’s health system benefits not only the province’s 120 million residents but also people from Balochistan, KPK, Kashmir, and even Afghanistan,” the CM said. CM Maryam Nawaz highlighted that 90 percent of medicines are now provided free of charge in Punjab, but expressed concern over issues like medicine theft and the unprofessional attitude of some hospital staff. “We are actively working to improve the situation.” She added, “We’ve deployed officers to improve three major hospitals in Lahore, and over 7 million people have benefited from field hospitals. Elderly patients can now receive health care at home, and ‘Clinic on Wheels’ brings healthcare facilities at home. “I aim to deliver two months of cancer medication to 100,000 people at their doorsteps. Patients from Balochistan, KPK, Sindh, and Azad Kashmir are also being treated in Punjab” the CM added. The CM also spoke about the ongoing construction and rehabilitation of 1,250 basic health centers across the province, with 904 already completed. “Once the revamp of our hospitals and health centers is complete, Punjab’s healthcare facilities will be on par with the best in the world,” she stated, underscoring that efficient basic health centers would reduce overcrowding in larger hospitals. She reiterated the crucial role of doctors in transforming the healthcare system, calling on them to actively support these reforms. “Doctors are agents of change. Together, we will carry out a mega transformation that will completely revamp the health system.” The backlog of patients is being eliminated through the Children’s Heart Surgery Program, she said. Later, the CM distributed contract letters of ‘Maryam Nawaz Health Clinic’ project to the doctors. She called the doctors on the stage, mingled among them and held a pleasant conversation with them. She also had pictures with the doctors.