Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan is reminded of iconic actor Sridevi, after watching her daughter Khushi Kapoor and his son Junaid Khan’s upcoming movie ‘Loveyapa’. In a new interview with an Indian media outlet, Aamir Khan revealed that he has seen the rough cut of the upcoming film ‘Loveyapa’, co-starring his son Junaid with Khushi Kapoor and found the latter to have a very similar on-screen energy as her late mother, Sridevi. “I liked this film, it is very entertaining. The ways our lives have turned out these days due to mobile phones and the interesting things that happen in our lives due to tech are shown in the film,” he said about ‘Loveyapa’. Aamir continued, “All the actors have done a good job. When I watched the film and saw Khushi, I could see Sridevi in her. Her energy was there, I could see.” “I am a huge fan of Sridevi. I wanted to work with her. She was a brilliant artist. You cannot see her talent when the camera is off. When it starts rolling, Sridevi shows her true talent,” added the ‘Rang De Basanti’ actor.