Kaghan Valley has been hit by heavy snowfall, prompting the Kaghan Development Authority (KDA) to launch emergency operations to ensure the safety of tourists and local residents on Monday. Following the directives of Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ali Amin Gandapur and Advisor for Tourism, Culture, and Archaeology Zahid Chun Zeb, KDA Director General Shabbir Khan has mobilized staff and machinery to tackle the situation. The authority has successfully cleared major roads, including the Shogran Road, restoring traffic flow in the region. Additional teams and equipment have been stationed at key locations such as Kiwai, Shogran, Paras, and Kaghan to assist tourists and the local population. Furthermore, tourism police have been deployed at these sites to provide support and guidance. Popular tourist spots in the valley, including Naran, Batakundi, and Shogran, continue to receive heavy snowfall. Reports indicate over one foot of snow in Naran and Batakundi, more than four inches in Shogran, and two inches in Kaghan Bazaar. The snowfall has significantly intensified the cold, adding to the winter charm but also increasing challenges for travelers. The KDA has urged tourists to follow safety guidelines and cooperate with authorities as they work to ensure smooth operations and maintain accessibility in the region.